Deciding to say goodbye

Making the decision to put your pet to sleep will be the hardest part of the process, however you do not have to make that decision alone.

At Forget Me Not Pets we can guide you and reassure you each step of the way.

Get In Touch

Once you have made the decision, there will be some things you will need to consider, which we can discuss over the phone.

  • When it should be done.

  • Where it should be done.

  • If you’d like to be present when they pass.

  • If you’d like anyone else to be present, either with, or instead of you.

  • What you would like to happen to your pet after you’ve said goodbye.

Saying goodbye

When we arrive with you at the visit, we will ask you to sign a consent form which will allow us to carry out the euthanasia. We can take time to introduce ourselves and answer any questions you may have.

When you are ready, we will give your pet a small injection of sedation, which will feel like a very quick scratch, before we step back outside to allow you some privacy. This will allow your pet to completely relax and doze off peacefully and naturally, just surrounded by those they love.

Only once they are deeply asleep (after around 10-15 minutes or so), we will come back in to give an injection of an anaesthetic agent which will allow the heart to stop, and for your pet to pass away peacefully.


We can help you. We offer a private cremation service where we will personally deliver your pets ashes back to you following their cremation within a week of the visit. You can choose not to receive your pets ashes back if this is preferred.

You have the option to receive a complimentary ink paw print (and nose print for dogs only), and a small bottle of fur clippings.

It is absolutely fine to bury your pet in your garden, or you are welcome to arrange your own cremation independently.